Friday, January 15, 2010

Malangnya nasib.

Dear God, please give me strength to

- stand with the mockings that are about to be thrown at me
- accept whatever people say about Liverpool being suck
- accept the fact that we do suck
- accept the fact that Torres won't be with the team for the next 2 months
- thus, accept the fact that he won't win the golden boot
- see more players decide to leave Liverpool
- more fans will leave the stadium before half time ends
- prepare for the possibility that Rafa might get sacked
- prepare for the doom that the next manager will do to the team
- see the players' confidence shatter every time
- see Stevie's face of failure
- go on with the season, without hoping anything, anything at all.
- watch other teams holding trophies, winning titles
- see Liverpool closing the curtain of this season, with shame
- keep walking on, and stand behind the team no matter what.

Walk on.


Amirul Idham said...

it's not a good performance last nite...

hope things well be better after this

ABU said...

keep the faith!!!

When you walk through a storm
hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on,
walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone.
Walk on,
walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone.